Report on Conference on Quality of Project Management Held on 15th and 16th September, 2006 at Hotel Kohinoor Continental, Mumbai

KLG Systel Limited participated in the SPIN-PMI Conference on quality of Project Management held on 15th, and 16th September, 2006 at Hotel Kohinoor Continental, Mumbai. This Conference was jointly designed and hosted by CSI-SPIN Forum and PMI (Mumbai Chapters). ). The desideratum of this conference was to share industry best practices in the areas of project management and quality management, which would facilitate better achievement of business goals.

The experts at the conference aimed to transfer this knowledge to enhance the maturity of the project management processes, to assure reliable and high quality products & services that is expected in global markets and ensuring delivery of user friendly, reliable products & services to its customers and bring delight to them by partnering in achieving their business goals. The conference was focused on the question – β€œIs Project Management Quality ensuring Customer Delight?”

Our CEO Mr. Mukesh Arora had personified KLG SYSTEL in the conference and discussed the supremacy of Primavera in the Project Management field and its proven support to large enterprises within numerous Companies.

The SPIN-PMI Conference provided a platform where project management professionals, quality champions, Quality gurus, industry practitioners, consultants, and academicians come together to share their expertise, in-depth knowledge along with industry best practices in the area of Project Management and Quality Assurance.

TV News Clippings
Story: Views from Power Sector on Budget, 2006
Program: Bazaar Aaj
Channel: Awaaz
Total Duration: 5 min 19 seconds
Online: Mr. Kumud Goel, Co-Chairman, Energy Committee, ASSCOHAM
Click Here >>
Story: KLG Quarterly 3 Results
Program: Pehla Sauda
Channel: Awaaz
Total Duration: 3 min 39 seconds
Online: Mr. Kumud Goel, Managing Director, KLG SYSTEL LTD.
Click Here >>
Story: KLG Quarterly 4 Results
Program: Kal Ka Sauda
Channel: Awaaz
Total Duration: 3 min 33 seconds
Online: Mr. Kumud Goel, Managing Director, KLG SYSTEL LTD.
Click Here >>